Name: Flo Marie Monroe

Occupation & School: PPS CONROY Early Childhood Center

Years In Education: 28 years

Years At Current Position/School: 18 years

Previously, I … worked at Preschool Development Inc. Head Start, 8 Years

PFT: What compelled you to become a teacher and/or to work in education? 

Flo: I am passionate about educating and empowering the children in our urban communities. I have always been involved in my own children’s education as a parent advocate and community advocate.  I see education as a way out of poverty and some of the injustices that plague our impoverished communities.

Flo in her element…

PFT: What do you like best about your career choice and job? 

Flo: Being involved in the lives of my students and their families.  Hoping to impact their lives in a positive way and being a catalyst for a positive first educational experience that will result in a love for learning, one that I hope will promote parent involvement in the education of children in our schools.

PFT: Where/what school(s) did you pursue higher education? 

Flo: I attended CCAC, IUP and then Point Park University, where I earned my B.S. Elementary Education, B.S. Early Childhood Education Currently pursuing Continuing Courses and Credits to work towards Masters in Education Equivalency.

PFT: In your opinion, what are the greatest challenges faced by educators today? Students?  School districts? Any challenges specific to your subject matter expertise?

Flo: I think the current challenges facing educators today are the inadequate funding to our schools to help develop and deliver quality educational programs, and the availability of and access to the resources needed to bridge the gap between urban schools and more affluent districts with better resources. 

In addition, there is a large gap in the pay that Early Childhood Educators receive from that of mainstream educators, despite the fact that their education requirements are the same and the workload is the same.  This is a great disparity that needs to be remedied at once.

PFT: When did you join the union?  Do you participate in any committees or hold any leadership positions? Ever taken any coursework or continuing education?

Flo: I joined the PFT the beginning of my employment with PPS, and I have served as a PFT Rep for Early Childhood at Conroy and I have Co-Chaired the Early Childhood Committee.  I am a member of PFT PAC (Political Action Committee) and will step up when needed.

PFT: In your own words, why is having union representation important?  What’s the best thing about being in a union, whether you are an active or more passive participant?

Flo: Being a member of the union provides me with a voice to affect positive change in the work environment.  It also provides me with adequate representation in the work place; which ensures fair treatment, safe work conditions and equitable access to resources needed to ensure that I am able to conduct my job in a professional manner. This ultimately assures delivery of quality education to the students that I serve to the best of my ability.

PFT: Do you have a mentor that introduced you to the PFT/Union? Please share who—and what that person meant to you and to your member development.

Flo:  No. I’ve just always been a part of it.

FINAL NOTES and Lightning Round:

People are surprised to learn... that I am passionate about advocating for the rights of children and social justice.  Come to think of it, I do not think that this is a surprise… since I have always been passionate about these two causes!

 One Flew over a Cuckoo’s Nest, Schindler’s List, Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Books: I have many, but one of my favorites is The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
Author: Don’t have a particular “favorite”
Singer: Don’t have a particular “favorite”
Song: Don’t have a particular “favorite”…to music, however I like various Genres of Music like: Jazz, NeoSoul, Classic Music, World Music, Reggae…
Time of year: Spring and Fall

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world .”
– Nelson Mandela