The PFT’s own “dynamic duo” make a memorable team across several PFT initiatives!

Name: BRITTANY SHOUP (left smiling face!)

Where You Teach/Work/Educate: Pittsburgh Colfax K-8
Subject(s) / Grade You Teach or Once Taught: Learning Support K-3

# of Years In Education: 14
Years At Current Position/School: 7
Have You Taught Previously Elsewhere? (y/n): Early Intervention
If so….where, what did you teach/do…and for how long?: 7 years

Name: SARAH MUELLER (right smiling face!)

Where You Teach/Work/Educate: Allderdice
Subject(s) / Grade You Teach or Once Taught: Chemistry now, but taught Physics my first year.

# of Years In Education: 10 in PPS, about 7 before that in graduate school and as a long term sub in private schools.
Years At Current Position/School: 10
Have You Taught Previously Elsewhere? (y/n): at Ellis & Oakland Catholic
…and for how long?: At Ellis, I was a long term sub for calculus and algebra. At Oakland Catholic, I taught chemistry.

PFT: What compelled you to become a teacher and/or to work in education? 

Brittany: I was a student in the Pittsburgh Public Schools. When I was at Pittsburgh Mifflin I had Mrs. Kelly in third grade and ever since then I wanted to be a teacher just like her.

Sarah: I realized that I really liked helping people understand chemistry- Initially, I was going to be a chemical engineer, but I liked chemistry better. Then, I figured out I wanted to teach. My mom is also a teacher.

PFT: What do you like best about your career choice and job? 

Brittany:  I love watching those “lightbulb” moments where I see my kids learning. I’m their biggest cheerleader and its so great to watch them gain confidence in themselves. Quite often I tell my students, “I’m at work right now – do you have any idea how cool it is to work with you every day?”

Sarah:  I love that every day is different, and I love watching students figure out that they can do hard things and learn new things.

PFT: Where/what school(s) did you pursue higher education? 

Brittany:   I have my Bachelors in Elementary and Special Education (2008) and my Masters in Early Childhood Education (2012) from California University ofPennsylvania. In 2013 I became a National Board Certified Teacher as an Exceptional Needs Specialist.

Sarah:  I went to Georgia Tech for my undergraduate degree, then earned a Master’s Degree in Chemistry at Duquesne. Finally, I earned my teaching certification at Pitt.

PFT: In your opinion, what are the greatest challenges faced by educators today? Students?  School districts? Any challenges specific to your subject matter expertise?

Brittany:  The flexibility everyone has demonstrated has just been incredible – both educators and students alike. I think the biggest challenge is figuring out a good home/work balance and trying to handle all the new challenges being placed upon educators.

Sarah:  There just isn’t enough time for us to do all of the things we are supposed to do each day. It’s really hard for me to leave work at work when there is so much to do all the time.

PFT: When did you join the union?  Do you participate in any committees or hold any leadership positions? Ever taken any coursework or continuing education?

Brittany:   I joined the union when I was hired in 2008, but I was not involved actively until a few years later. I became a Building Rep for Early Intervention and I was a participant in the first cohort of the Teacher Leader Program. I believe I was the first person elected to the Executive Board from the Early Intervention Program.

A few years later, I became one of the Elementary Group Reps on the Executive Board and the Building Rep for Colfax. This is my third year as a chair for the Special Education Grassroots Committee and fifth year as co-facilitator for the Teacher Leader Program. This year, I have taken on the role as Director of ER&D Professional Learning for Educators.

Sarah:  I joined the union as soon as I realized I could. In the next couple of years, I participated in the Teacher Leader Program. After participating, I began co- facilitating that program. I have been co-facilitating since then! I am also on Executive Board as a High School Rep, and I participate in the Labor Day parade.

PFT: In your own words, why is having union representation important?  What’s the best thing about being in a union, whether you are an active or more passive participant?

Brittany:  It is so important to know the contract and all of the updates going on at the PFT. I only read the contract cover to cover a few years ago and I started sharing sections with my staff so they would also know what the contract covers. Reading Nina’s Notes each week are so important to be kept up to date with everything going on in the Union.

One of my personal pet peeves are people who think “The Union” is just Nina, Billy, and Harold. It is my mission to help people understand their role in the union – and a huge part of that is being informed.

Sarah:  My mom teaches in a right to work for less state. I have seen first-hand what happens to teachers when they don’t have a strong union. I value the security that our CBA gives us, and that our compensation is well above what we would be paid without a union.

PFT: Do you have a mentor that introduced you to the PFT/Union? Please share who—and what that person meant to you and to your member development.

Brittany:   Regina Frey (Retired SLP – Early Intervention) and Emily Lovelady (Greenfield) really took me under their wing and taught me how to be a Building Rep when we were all in Early Intervention together.

Sarah:  I can’t remember how I ended up getting involved, but I do remember that Tony and Kip were instrumental in helping me see how the union was critical to doing our best work for our students.

FINAL NOTES and Lightning Round:

People are surprised to learn...

Brittany: … that I wear a wig! I have very thin hair and some wonderful people have been put in my life to help me look the way I do. I have three to choose from – haha I finally donated the one with bangs, not exactly sure what I was thinking with that one!

People are surprised to learn...
Sarah: … that I have run 10 marathons and have been to Brazil!

Brittany’s favorite…
Movie: The Breakfast Club
Book: Dreamseller by Brandon Novak
Author: Dr. Rich Milner
Singer: Reign of Z (my husband is the guitarist)
Song: “Don’t You Forget About Me” – The Simple Minds
Color: blood red
Food: mom’s lasagna
Time of year: spring

My personal mantra this year has been “I’m doing my best. My best is enough.”
Sarah’s Favorite …
Book: Permission to Feel
Singer: Butch Walker
Song: Synthesizers
Color: Leopard Print (I don’t care that it’s “not actually a color”)
Time of year: Fall

You can’t pour from an empty cup!