Recently, the PA Department of Education signed into law Act 18 of 2020 which provides additional time for school employees to renew their FBI fingerprint-based background checks due to the pandemic. Under Act 18, employees of public, private, and nonpublic schools, as well as independent contractors and their employees who work with schools, have until December 31, 2020 to renew their FBI fingerprint-based background checks at an approved IdentoGO location.
** Although Act 18 provides a renewal extension for the FBI fingerprint-based background check, the District urges you to NOT delay and obtain the renewal as soon as possible. **
Occupation & School: PPS CONROY Early Childhood Center
Years In Education: 28 years
Years At Current Position/School: 18 years
Previously, I … worked at Preschool Development Inc. Head Start, 8 Years
PFT: What compelled you to become a teacher and/or to work in education?
Flo: I am passionate about educating and empowering the children in our urban communities. I have always been involved in my own children’s education as a parent advocate and community advocate. I see education as a way out of poverty and some of the injustices that plague our impoverished communities.
Flo in her element…
PFT: What do you like best about your career choice and job?
Flo:Being involved in the lives of my students and their families. Hoping to impact their lives in a positive way and being a catalyst for a positive first educational experience that will result in a love for learning, one that I hope will promote parent involvement in the education of children in our schools.
PFT: Where/what school(s) did you pursue higher education?
Flo: I attended CCAC, IUP and then Point Park University, where I earned my B.S. Elementary Education, B.S. Early Childhood Education Currently pursuing Continuing Courses and Credits to work towards Masters in Education Equivalency.
PFT: In your opinion, what are the greatest challenges faced by educators today? Students? School districts? Any challenges specific to your subject matter expertise?
Flo:I think the current challenges facing educators today are the inadequate funding to our schools to help develop and deliver quality educational programs, and the availability of and access to the resources needed to bridge the gap between urban schools and more affluent districts with better resources.
In addition, there is a large gap in the pay that Early Childhood Educators receive from that of mainstream educators, despite the fact that their education requirements are the same and the workload is the same. This is a great disparity that needs to be remedied at once.
PFT: When did you join the union? Do you participate in any committees or hold any leadership positions? Ever taken any coursework or continuing education?
Flo: I joined the PFT the beginning of my employment with PPS, and I have served as a PFT Rep for Early Childhood at Conroy and I have Co-Chaired the Early Childhood Committee. I am a member of PFT PAC (Political Action Committee) and will step up when needed.
PFT: In your own words, why is having union representation important? What’s the best thing about being in a union, whether you are an active or more passive participant?
Flo:Being a member of the union provides me with a voice to affect positive change in the work environment. It also provides me with adequate representation in the work place; which ensures fair treatment, safe work conditions and equitable access to resources needed to ensure that I am able to conduct my job in a professional manner. This ultimately assures delivery of quality education to the students that I serve to the best of my ability.
PFT: Do you have a mentor that introduced you to the PFT/Union? Please share who—and what that person meant to you and to your member development.
Flo: No. I’ve just always been a part of it.
FINAL NOTES and Lightning Round:
People are surprised to learn... that I am passionate about advocating for the rights of children and social justice. Come to think of it, I do not think that this is a surprise… since I have always been passionate about these two causes!
Flo’s FAVORITE… Movies: One Flew over a Cuckoo’s Nest, Schindler’s List, Close Encounters of the Third Kind Books: I have many, but one of my favorites is The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini Author: Don’t have a particular “favorite” Singer: Don’t have a particular “favorite” Song: Don’t have a particular “favorite”…to music, however I like various Genres of Music like: Jazz, NeoSoul, Classic Music, World Music, Reggae… Time of year: Spring and Fall
FAVORITE “SHARE-ABLE” QUOTE: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world .” – Nelson Mandela
Name: Rudy Nesbitt Occupation & School: Paraprofessional @ Pittsburgh Conroy in the Recycling Program Years In Education: 25 years Years At Current Position/School: 1st year Previously, I … worked at Pace School, Middle School Autistic Support and as an Assistant Teacher for 7 years.
PFT: What compelled you to become a teacher and/or to work in education?
Rudy:I was always intrigued by special needs students due to growing up with a special needs brother. I also have a autistic son, so I feel it was meant for my journey in life to help special need students.
PFT: What do you like best about your career choice and job?
Rudy:I love all kids, but I have a special place in my heart for special need students due to my brother and son. I love challenges and love to see the students progress as they grow into adulthood,
PFT: Where/what school(s) did you pursue higher education?
Rudy: I attended CCAC and then Edinboro University where I earned a degree in Personal Training and Nutrition.
PFT: In your opinion, what are the greatest challenges faced by educators today? Students? School districts? Any challenges specific to your subject matter expertise?
Rudy:I feel the greatest challenges in education today are our lack of technology across the board; unhealthy buildings for some students.; and lack of parental support due to inner city poverty and other community issues in the city.
PFT: When did you join the union? Do you participate in any committees or hold any leadership positions? Ever taken any coursework or continuing education?
Rudy:I joined the union in 2002. I was the Para building rep at several schools, and I help organize and participate in The Labor Day Parade.
PFT: In your own words, why is having union representation important? What’s the best thing about being in a union, whether you are an active or more passive participant?
Rudy: I think from a personal perspective having union representation gives me and others a fair shot with positions that open up, and getting a fair shake when administrators do not treat you with respect and (make you feel like) they’re targeting you throughout your career.
PFT: Do you have a mentor that introduced you to the PFT/Union? Please share who—and what that person meant to you and to your member development.
Rudy: The late great Nate Smith was my mentor.
He taught me the importance and meaning of having a great union. He showed me videos of marches, and the strength the union provided for those who did not get treated fairly in the workforce. Nate was like the father figure I never had, and had such a strong presence in his speeches and kindness he shared with everyone during his time on Earth.
FINAL NOTES and Lightning Round:
People are surprised to learn... that I played the saxophone long ago — Ha!😊 Also? I was a 2x state and 2x national Drug-Free powerlifting champion along with placing 2nd in The Drug-Free World Championships.
Rudy‘s FAVORITE… Movie: Brian’s Song Book: The Holy Bible Author: Maya Angelou Singer: Luther Vandross Song: Always and Forever Color: Red Food: Lasagna Time of year: Summer
FAVORITE “SHARE-ABLE” QUOTE: “The Road To Your Greatness Is Already Determined. Never Give Up!”
Name: Carlton Heywood Occupation & School: School Librarian, Brashear Years In Education: 30.5 years Years At Current Position/School: 10th year Previously, I … worked for Westinghouse HS, Peabody HS, Lemington Elementary, and Connelly Skill Learning Center
PFT: What compelled you to become a teacher and/or to work in education?
Carlton:During the early 90’s there was a nationwide problem of a significant and growing achievement gap among African American Students. I had just come out of the Army and I wanted to do something about the situation. I was a librarian at the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh when I received a telephone call requesting that I attend an interview.
I attended the interview and did not get the job as an elementary school librarian, however I was offered a part-time position as the Librarian at Connelly. A few years later, I became the librarian and language arts teacher at Lemington Elementary School. Growing up I had several great teachers who believed in me and I hope that the work that I do carries a torch in their honor.
PFT: What do you like best about your career choice and job?
Carlton:I love working with students more than anything else. I have always been able to build a positive relationship with them and I conscientiously think about how to bring my best self every day.
It’s not as much as a job as it is a section of my lifestyle dedicated to serving others. In this case–serving youth.
PFT: Where/what school(s) did you pursue higher education?
Carlton: Here’s the history: — Clarion State College of Pennsylvania 1979-1983 BS-Communications — U.S. Army 1983-1987 Most of my military career was in Germany — Clarion University- 1988-1989- MLS
PFT: In your opinion, what are the greatest challenges faced by educators today? Students? School districts? Any challenges specific to your subject matter expertise?
Carlton:The greatest challenge in my opinion is closing the equity gap and keeping students engaged and motivated after 3rd grade. If we are serious about closing the equity gap then we will surely build bridges towards erasing the achievement gap. Closing the equity gap means that we are making sure that the entire district employs and maintains the best teachers, resources and administration.
Building better alliances with families and holding each party accountable will eradicate our collective deficiencies in time. There should be no disparities between the resources of one school and another in our district when both schools are only minutes away from each other and the tax base is the same.
This speaks towards the access to the related arts, (music, arts) programs as well. As a Librarian, I believe that each school from K-12 should have a full- time librarian and fully resourced library. Studies and statistics demonstrate that students exposed to a full-time librarian and library score better on standardized tests and receive a well-balanced education.
PFT: When did you join the union? Do you participate in any committees or hold any leadership positions? Ever taken any coursework or continuing education?
Carlton:I joined the union in 1992. I have participated in a few Union sponsored activities.
PFT: In your own words, why is having union representation important? What’s the best thing about being in a union, whether you are an active or more passive participant?
Carlton: The best part of being in the union is the solidarity. Knowing that there is a collective force of people dedicated that all workers are treated fairly in accordance to what was agreed upon and willing to stand up when things are unfair. U.S. history has changed for the betterment of the worker because of strong union representation.
PFT: Do you have a mentor that introduced you to the PFT/Union? Please share who—and what that person meant to you and to your member development.
Carlton: I would consider Mr. Harold Grant Jr. as my union champion. Along with the current president, Nina EV. They both are overworked and not appreciated for the commitment towards maintaining the betterment of our profession. I believe that they think that if they take care of the workers in their charge, that we will bring the best to our children.
FINAL NOTES and Lightning Round: People are surprised to learn... I play harmonica! I was also a Communications Platoon Leader and parachutist for a field artillery unit in the army.
Carlton’s FAVORITE… Movie: A Soldier’s Story Book: Too many to name! Author: Walter Mosely Singer: James Brown Song: Beautiful Life Color: Purple Food: Red beans and rice Time of year: Fall
Hybrid Learning: Seven Strategies for a Successful and Flexible Year Ahead July 2—2 p.m. EDT | REGISTER
Sourcewell Technology Grades 3-12
Proper planning builds in the flexibility needed for the 2020-21 school year. Participants will learn a step-by-step way to organize the entire school year in a blended environment! Plus, discover simple ways to interject creativity into student-centered activities.
Protecting Equity and Access: Supporting Students with Disabilities During a Pandemic July 2—3 p.m. EDT | REGISTER
National Center for Learning Disabilities Grades 3-12
Every student deserves access to educational opportunities—even if that means virtual education during this pandemic. And if educators are expected to innovate and act nimbly in these unprecedented times, we must provide the resources schools and districts so desperately need to effectively design those learning opportunities and educate all students. Through this session, staff from the National Center for Learning Disabilities will discuss some specific implications to consider in serving students with disabilities in the current context.
#SkillsRUS Summer SLAM: Prep for the Academic Year Ahead July 2—4 p.m. EDT | REGISTER
Georgina Dean Grades K-12
How can we take all the positive new skills we’ve learned, and build on them over the summer, so we are ready to re-energize our education communities this next academic year? Join us to examine ideas and strategies for integrating new tools and skills into blended learning approaches, as well as lesson design to maximize delivery engagement across the education community.
Professional Development Credit Reminders:
You will be eligible to receive one hour of professional development credit for participation in these webinars if you complete all the poll questions, survey, and actively watch the webinars. A certificate of completion will then be available for download at the end of your session. You may choose to check with your school district in advance to ensure that the PD credit is accepted.If you can’t make the webinar time, register anyway! We’ll automatically email you the on-demand link as soon as it’s available.The on-demand versions will be available in closed captioning in English and Spanish.
UPDATE: THIS MEETING HAS TRANSPIRED: LOOK for information regarding the full release of subcommittee recommendations soon!
The All In to Reopen Our Schools plan has been developed by 14 subcommittees composed of a cross-section of over 300 education stakeholders within five categories:
Academic Programming and Instructional Support
Academic Personnel and Developing Capacity
Family Support & Wellbeing
School Operations for a Safe and Healthy Environment
Communications, Outreach and Community Coordination
These subcommittees have shared their recommendations for the best course of action to keep PPS students and staff safe during the reopening process with the Superintendent and Executive Cabinet.
On Tuesday, July 14, the Executive Cabinet will report to the full All In to Reopen Our Schools Committee on those recommendations that will move forward for 2020-2021.
Click here to learn more about the All In To Reopen Schools Plan – and view district video updates on progress to date.
Meeting ID: 895 1715 6116 Passcode: 016817 --- One tap mobile +16469313860,,89517156116# US +19294362866,,89517156116# US (New York) --- Meeting ID: 895 1715 6116 Find your local number:
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Final Friday
Final Friday February 21, 20254:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Location: TBD