UPDATE: THIS MEETING HAS TRANSPIRED: LOOK for information regarding the full release of subcommittee recommendations soon!
The All In to Reopen Our Schools plan has been developed by 14 subcommittees composed of a cross-section of over 300 education stakeholders within five categories:
Academic Programming and Instructional Support
Academic Personnel and Developing Capacity
Family Support & Wellbeing
School Operations for a Safe and Healthy Environment
Communications, Outreach and Community Coordination
These subcommittees have shared their recommendations for the best course of action to keep PPS students and staff safe during the reopening process with the Superintendent and Executive Cabinet.
On Tuesday, July 14, the Executive Cabinet will report to the full All In to Reopen Our Schools Committee on those recommendations that will move forward for 2020-2021.
Click here to learn more about the All In To Reopen Schools Plan – and view district video updates on progress to date. https://www.pghschools.org/Page/5469
The AFT’s 86th biennial convention is underway, bringing together 4,000 delegates from around the country across our K-12, paraprofessional, higher education, healthcare and public employee divisions.
JULY 28: The AFT’s biennial convention is starting today, and we’re doing it virtually! This year is all about how we are fighting for a better life for our members—and for everyone. Today’s highlights include AFT President Randi Weingarten’s State of the Union speech and the presentation of AFT Secretary-Treasurer Lorretta Johnson’s Bayard Rustin Award. Other highlights include a Black Lives Matter panel and discussion of economic inequity on Wednesday, and remarks from former Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday. Additional sessions will feature professor and education historian Diane Ravitch, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, and award-winning composer, lyricist and actor Lin-Manuel Miranda. Tune in live at 11 a.m. ET on the AFT’s Facebook page or at www.aft.org and use the hashtag #AFT20.
Our PFT Painting with a Twist party is booked and ready for members to sign up. Click here to register–enter the passcode TEACH to reserve your spot!
Painting With A Twist! Saturday February 22nd from 11:00- 1:00 PM BYOB—with free Mimosas and snacks provided by the PFT Social Committee. ** LIMIT OF 20 PFT ARTISTS! Register today! **
YOU CAN DO IT! Here’s what we’re painting! What could be better than taking an art class, finishing your own original painting AND a Mimosa or two? Doing so among PFT friends after our General Membership Meeting! (or even if you can’t make the meeting for some reason).
Click here to sign up right now—space is limited to just 20 PFT artists! Enter the word TEACH as your passcode to register on the site.
General Membership Meeting Saturday, February 22, 2020 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM! Breakfast served. Childcare available. At the PFT! 10 South 19 Street, Pittsburgh PA 15203 BE HERE to get INSIDE SCOOP you won’t get ANYWHERE else! (Not in the Notes or PFT News)
PFT Contract Negotiations Update
Grievance Proceedings Update
Member Pledge to Vote & Mobilize
2020 Primary Election Survey
FEATURING: PFT Attorney Noah Jordan “Weingarten Rights: What you REALLY need to know!”
ALL THIS includes a tasty catered breakfast! 50/50 Raffle! RSVP Raffle! Childcare available! Plus an optional “Painting with a Twist” member social event nearby shortly after our meeting adjourns!
You can always count on PFT
members to be generous and to reach out to others who need help!
another successful PFT/ACLC Stuff the Bus comes to an end—just look how great
the PFT lobby looks before PFT staff loads up to take all of these beautiful
toys over to the Allegheny County Labor Council meeting tonight to STUFF THAT BUS and help
the families of union members in need!
On behalf of Darrin Kelly, the
Executive Board of the ACLC and all our union brothers and sisters—thank you
for your generosity, kindness and endless giving PFT spirit. I always expect
nothing less!
Meeting ID: 895 1715 6116 Passcode: 016817 --- One tap mobile +16469313860,,89517156116# US +19294362866,,89517156116# US (New York) --- Meeting ID: 895 1715 6116 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcTJ4WXWmH
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Final Friday
Final Friday February 21, 20254:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Location: TBD