Want to check your PA voter registration status or register to vote for the first time?  Want to know what’s involved with the new mail-in ballot option?  Do you know that “straight ticket” voting will no longer be an option at the ballot box?

Here are the links you need to stay informed and take action.

Mail In And Absentee Balloting In PA.

Now you can sign up for a new mail-in balloting option, or vote “absentee” without many of the restrictions required before to do so – and if you like, you can exclusively become a mail-in voter. 


But there are certain steps you need to take. The link above is where to start—and remember if you choose mail-in balloting for the primary, you’ll have to repeat the process for the general election in November.

Click here for a summary of PA Act 77 Voting reforms with additional information.

Check Your Registration Status & Register To Vote In PA.

Checking your registration status is simply good housekeeping to see that you remain active in the record system, and stay apprised of any district or polling place changes.

The link below takes you to an interface that allows you to search by name, or by PA driver’s license number.


If you’re registering to vote for the first time, congratulations!  The next most important thing to know is that your registration is not complete until processed and accepted by your county voter registration office.

To vote in the next election (starting with the primary on April 28), you must complete your application by 04/13/2020.

Here is the link to the PA Voter Registration Application:

We’ll update this article throughout the 2020 election season and keep it active on the homepage—if you have any suggestions or questions—simply reach out to the PFT!