Click the links at the beginning of the descriptions to view, share or download resources from your 2021 Folder. Scroll down for additional digital only links as well!
AFT: COVID Vaccines Myths Busted: An important list of debunked myths and assumptions about COVID-19 to help put minds at ease with the most common misconceptions & questions.
What Comes With PFT Membership: While there are countless intangible benefits of standing shoulder-to-shoulder with committed workers throughout our union, there really are numerous benefits you enjoy automatically with PFT membership.
First Friend/Best Friend: A simple checklist for outreach and guidance for new hires/members. Particularly important given the pandemic’s affect on in-person meeting.
Understanding Leaves & Laws: Learn more about ADA and/or leave of absence choices and current laws affecting those choices.
Building Rep Committee Checklist: With a reduced schedule of Workshops throughout the year, it’s more important than ever to have your Building Rep Checklist at hand—a handy reminder for all you can do for your school and members as a rep.
Breakfast With Nina: An opportunity to engage face-to-face at your school with union leadership and personally discuss the issues and news that matters to you.
ER&D (AFT Professional Development): The nation’s longest running ER&D program is back and we’ll be working with the format this year to hopefully provide a little pandemic flexibility. Four Courses to choose from–each worth valuable Act 48 credits or in-service credits—but we must have enough member interest to host one or several of the classes. Click here for on-line information and registration form.
Weingarten Rights: Whether virtual or in person, you have certain rights to union representation when a potential disciplinary issue arises. Our Weingarten rights card is now business-card sized—printable at home.
PFT Dues Per Pay Breakdown & Distribution: We stretch member dues pretty far when you understand exactly how dues are allocated and all that we try to provide for the investment.
Charter Schools Facts: Despite efforts by Governor Wolf to level the playing field, c charter schools are taking full advantage of COVID-19 to maximize enrollment, which continues to devastate school district budgets across the Commonwealth.
Life Skills and Member Benefits: There’s so much here that comes standard with your membership—mental health, career and home/life counseling, plus a wealth of categorized resources. Enter PGHBOE as your login at The flyer is available on line for sharing.
Executive Board & Staff List: The elected PFT Executive Board meets in an official capacity monthly throughout the year. Like the e-board, the PFT staff works year-round as well.
ADDITIONAL digital resources and links:
Commit Card: This is a copy of the recommit card for all new members—the standing application for PFT membership.
New (and current) members should also be encouraged to consider Political Action Committee support—for as little as $5 a pay period or less Our PAC now has over 700 contributors--learn more and sign up here!
Labor Day 2021: We’re not going to be down about not having a parade or picnic. Instead we’ll respond with a Food Drive and Cash Donation Drive for the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, and support the ACLC citywide blood drive on Friday September 3rd and more-–click here for details and donation information!
First Book Free Resources Page: The AFT works in concert with First Book to offer an incredible array of free resources to members. Check out the First Book Resource page and be sure to indicate your affiliation with the AFT.