A letter opening bargaining has been officially sent. We are planning to have our first meeting with District representatives on August 20, 2019. This meeting will simply be to set parameters.

PMOIU2: The contract for members in the IU also expires June 30, 2020. The letter opening negotiations will go out the week of August 6th.

We’ll share contract update information out there as it becomes available to us.  Be sure you’re reading the Tuesday Blast and Nina’s Notes—as well as connecting to PFT through the avenues below:

Stay Connected With PFT Text Messaging and Social Media

PFT TEXT MESSAGING: Simply text the phrase  PFT400  to the number 69238 to join. We try to respect the use of this service–on average we send less than 4 texts per month.

While we encourage and welcome open social media platforms, our primary communication with members concerning negotiations will be via e-mailed updates.

Follow us on Facebook and on Twitter.