Ultimately, we’re trying to explore issues and topics most relevant to the men and women doing the challenging, rewarding work of educating in Pittsburgh Public Schools. Our goal remains … to create environments and opportunities where teachers love to teach and students want to learn.
Listen to all podcasts (including Season 1) here! https://anchor.fm/pft400
Visit the Season 1 full archive of Podcasts and Show Notes for each episode, here.
Season 2, Episode 7 — FALL FINALE — Teacher Pay & K (a podcast)
Kristen Clark (Teacher from NJ & North Carolina)
Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers Podcast • November 22, 2023
High School math teacher Kristen (Clark) has added a constructive side talent to her nearly 15 year high school math teacher resume.
That role is as a “burgeoning” TikTok star with weekly videos breaking down the salary schedule for multiple school districts across the country. As you will hear, it is not always an apples to apples comparison. You have to take the number of steps, and the size of steps, into account — as well as have the initiative to source income and contract information from across the country to present an accurate analysis of sometimes hard-to-access teacher salary schedules.
CLICK HERE TO PLAY: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pft400/episodes/Kristen-TikToks-Teacher-Pay-with-Kay-Content-Creator-e2c3nru
Season 2: Episode 7, Show Notes
Guest: Kristen Clark (Teacher from NJ & North Carolina)
Topic: What thought process and research happens behind the scenes in the podcast “Teacher Pay and K”?
Have a question for Kristen? Feel free to submit it to Jeremiah Dugan at pittdugan@gmail.com so he can help facilitate your introduction or reach out to her show directly at teacherpaywithk@gmail.com.
Click the link to view and/or follow Kristen’s content on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@teacherpaywithk
Some of Kristen’s favorite podcasts include ..
Season 2 Episode 6 — On Teaching Music In Pittsburgh Public Schools & more
Marylou Monich Bushyager (Itinerant PPS Instructional Music Teacher)
Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers Podcast • November 15, 2023
Marylou talks about teaching instrumental music at multiple schools within PPS and the importance of the arts in schools in this wide ranging interview with PFT Talk.
With the energy and passion Marylou brings to this week’s episode, it’s no surprise she’s wanted to teach music since she was a child. When you learn a little more about her backstory, you kind of realize she was “born” to do this. Subjects in this ‘cast include how music, music theory and creating music can be beneficial to virtually any type of student facing any number of challenges (physical, emotional, etc.).
Keep your ears peeled for cool little facts like “there’s a part of the brain that music touches …. that compliments everything we learn,” … and much more!
Season 2: Episode 6, Show Notes
Guests: Marylou Monich Bushyager (Itinerant PPS Instructional Music Teacher)
Topic: The Benefits & Challenges of Teaching Music
Have a question for Marylou? Feel free to submit it to Jeremiah Dugan at pittdugan@gmail.com so he can help facilitate your introduction or contact Marylou directly by clicking here.
On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@marylousmusic Songs… playlists… lessons… student performances… all on the channel for free!
Noteful: Learn to read Music. Designed with the input of over 80 music educators, Noteful uses the piano keyboard as a reference for understanding music theory.
IOS App Store Google Play (Android)
Flashnote Derby: A fun, interactive way for kids to learn and practice reading music notes
IOS Apple Store Google Play (Android)
Guitar Tuna: On line tuning of Guitar, Ukelele, and many other instruments!
IOS Apple Store Google Play (Android)
Essential Elements Interactive… (a reminder for information accessible from our teaching portal). All our songs and materials are on line and in control by the student … they can practice with themselves — however you do need to be logged into the portal.
Season 2 Episode 5 — Using Concept Sorts — An AFT TEACH Inspiration
Alice Alexander-Felts (Community Voices Middle School — Queens, NY)
Tacita “T” Alexander-Porter (Henderson K-12 Inclusion School — Boston, MA)
Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers Podcast • October 18, 2023
(from AFT TEACH–JULY 2023)
In a first for our Podcast, we were on the road at AFT TEACH 2023 and were so taken by a presentation, we decided to talk with our presenters as “guest stars” on PFT TALK.
The theme of the presentation was “Concept Sorts” (which you may know as concept learning, \ category learning, concept attainment, concept formation, etc). Concept learning is a strategy which requires a learner to compare and contrast groups or categories that contain concept-relevant features with groups or categories that do not contain concept-relevant features. And do so IN ADVANCE of presenting the concept, problem or task the students are about to engage in.
We spoke with two UFT (United Federation of Teachers) members who also happen to be sisters–and walked through the many advantages of this type of associated learning across multiple classroom environments–ELA, Social Studies, Math, ELL and more.
CLICK HERE TO PLAY: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pft400/episodes/Alice-Alexander-Felts-and-Tacita-Alexander-Porter-Concept-Sorts-e2ajqau
Season 2: Episode 5, Show Notes
Alice Alexander-Felts (Community Voices Middle School — Queens, NY)
Tacita “T” Alexander-Porter (Henderson K-12 Inclusion School — Boston, MA)
Topic: Using Concept Sorts
To reach out to either Alice or T, please summarize your question and submit it to Jeremiah Dugan at pittdugan@gmail.com so he can help facilitate your introduction.
Learn more about AFT TEACH here.
For a primer on Concept Sorts in ELA (as an example)…click here
Season 2 Episode 4 — Understanding The Value of PPS Community Schools
Brenda Marks (Arsenal 6-8/Eboard)
Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers Podcast • October 11, 2023
24-year classroom veteran paraprofessional Brenda Marks lays out the framework (and the need) for wholesale adoption of the Community Schools model. Her last 7 years as a Certified RBT (Restored Behavior Specialist) have coincided almost perfectly with the arrival of the Community Schools model at nine Pittsburgh Public Schools–and she’s speaking from an “insiders” perspective.
In this podcast, Brenda and Jeremiah take a detailed look at what a Community School is, and why each individually is so unique and important to the specific community it serves.
Brenda’s concern is that not nearly enough stakeholders truly understand the many benefits of the wrap-around services each school provides — or CAN provide with just a little creative effort. No two schools are exactly alike because no two communities, families and staff are exactly alike.
Ultimately, awareness of Community Schools is part of the battle being fought — asking “what they need” and finding uniquely tailored answers specifically to that school–like social services, healthcare, food insecurity, ental care, tutoring services, community partnerships and more.
It’s a great listen and will leave you wanting for more! (Since the recording of this podcast, PFT has earned a sizable Back to School grant from the AFT to help us promote community schools!)
CLICK HERE TO PLAY: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pft400/episodes/Brenda-Marks-Community-Schools-e2aacpj
Season 2: Episode 4, Show Notes
Guest: Brenda Marks (Arsenal, 6-8)
Topic: Community Schools within PPS
Reach out to Brenda via email
Call via PFT @ 412.431-5900
Visit the AFT.org Community Schools information page referenced in the pod here.
The PFT’s CS page at PFT400.org lets you know a little more about our perspective.
Click here to visit the district’s page on Community Schools.
Season 2 Episode 3 — Using Primary Sources & the Karpeles Manuscript Library
Dominic Woods
Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers Podcast • September 30, 2023
Brashear Social Studies teacher Dominic Woods has a fascinating “other job” that could touch the lives of hundreds upon hundreds of of students and community members with either an academic need (or genuine thirst) for authentic printed history.
In this podcast, Jeremiah and “Dom” take a deep dive into the development and use of the Karpeles Manuscript lLbrary of Pittsburgh, located at the (former) Holy Innocent Catholic Church in Sheridan.
Listen to the story of how Dominic got “drafted” into the project and developed a unique passion and purpose for creating an actionable, usable archive of authentic historical documents that provide an unvarnished (and sometimes complicated) look at history.
CLICK HERE TO PLAY: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pft400/episodes/Dominic-Woods-Using-Primary-Sources-and-the-Karpeles-Manuscript-Library-e271u5k
Season 2: Episode 3, Show Notes
Guest: Dominic Woods (Brashear)
Topic: Using Primary Sources and the Karpeles Manuscript Library
Reach out to Dominic via email
Via text: 412.680.7804
Learn more about the national Karpeles locations here — and get specific information about the Pittsburgh location here. Website shows examples of exhibits from all across the country and has robust information sections.
Season 2 Episode 2 — The Teacher Leader Program (TLP)
Sarah Mueller (Allderdice/E-board)
Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers Podcast • September 30, 2023
Veteran Alldertice Chemistry teacher Sarah Mueller has invested 10 years as a co-facilitator of the PFT’s Teacher Leader program, along with her decade-long partner-in-education-crime Brittany Shoup (Colfax/E-board).
In this episode, Sarah and Jeremiah do a thorough vetting of the TLP process and program, participant-driven research and the progress that each “cohort” of PFT member students make every year by bringing new ideas back to their classrooms and schools. As you will hear here, the value extends well beyond the $1500 stipend each TLP member receives.
TLP members can be difference makers in the classroom and out there in the “real world” by just applying themselves!
CLICK HERE TO PLAY: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pft400/episodes/Sarah-Mueller-Teacher-Leader-Program-e29ote8
Season 2: Episode 2, Show Notes
Guest: Sarah Mueller (Allderdice/E-board)
Topic: The Teacher Leader Program
Reach out to Sarah via email
While it is best to simply reach out directly to TLP facilitators–you can always find an explanation of the program on our website at https://pft400.com/initiatives/teacher-leaders-program/
To learn more about Sarah (and by extension, co-facilitator Brittany Shoup, please check out their PFT All Start member profile here.
Season 2 Episode 1 — Everyone Writes
Martine Devine, Langley PreK-8
Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers Podcast • September 20, 2023
Former Tax Accountant, current mother of 4 and veteran reading teacher Martine Devine visits with Jeremiah to explain an incredibly cool writing system currently energizing her classroom no matter what the level of proficiency of the student.
Nearly 7 years in the making, the “Everyone Writes” program was featured at “AFT TEACH” in the summer of 2023–and coincidentally, how our pod producer became so interested in the program and its creator. He saw her teach…at TEACH. (What’s AFT TEACH all about? Click here to learn more.)
In this episode, there’s no shortage of inside stories and educator “commiseration” on the subject of “getting kids to write” both in the classroom and beyond. Everyone writes teaches students an engaging process that is simple, explicit, cost effective and engaging … for ALL levels of writer. Helps everyone in the classroom grow without level!
CLICK HERE TO PLAY: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pft400/episodes/Martine-Devine-Everyone-Writes-e27sn6i
Season 2: Episode 1, Show Notes
Guest: Martine Devine (Langley PreK – 8)
Topic: “Everyone Writes”
Reach out to Martine via email
Everyone Writes is an ingeniously crafted in-class writing system that helps organize and energize the process of writing for students of all abilities.
Click here to visit the Everyon Writes website–-and remember that Martine’s presentation (and supporting curriculum/handbook) is available for certified Professional Development–check out the “Workshops” link on the website,

Have an idea for a Podcast or wish to be an interview subject with Jeremiah? Simply click here to let us know your name, contact information and idea and we’ll reach out!