Life Skills & Financial Management Support

We’re being asked to do more with less. Work harder and longer. Juggle multiple tasks on a daily basis that would impress a circus performer. That’s just not in our profession, but something that workers across the country feel every day. It’s no wonder we all need a little help sometimes.

Our union can help.

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Your PFT has a long-standing partnership with Work Partners Life Solutions, a comprehensive support system that provides assistance across the spectrum of challenges faced by members every day:

  • Financial counseling
  • Emotional support
  • Stress management
  • Legal & financial referrals
  • Lifestyle and family maintenance

This service is free and available to all members, all the time, and is support designed to help you achieve and maintain work/life balance.  Click below to download the Life Skills (EAP) Employee Assistance Program Flyer.

Learn More

Reach out directly to your building rep or union leadership if you have any questions or concerns or face any challenges in your transition.

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